The Spring Chiro Podcast

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Chiro Lisa

11 January 2024

20m 5s

Empower Yourself: Take Control of Your Brain's Wiring



This podcast episode explores the fascinating concept of neuroplasticity, which reveals that your brain has the incredible ability to change and grow. The episode discusses how this phenomenon occurs on both a macro and micro scale, highlighting real-life examples such as brain maps adapting to injury or blindness. The importance of actively exposing your brain to new experiences and skills is emphasized as a way to promote neuroplasticity and prevent age-related brain shrinkage. The power of repetition is also explored, showcasing how practicing and reviewing new knowledge or skills strengthens neural connections. The episode also discusses how negative thought patterns can be rewired, using techniques like visualization and gratitude practices to shift focus to the positive. Overall, this episode provides insights into harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to improve mental well-being and develop healthier habits.

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