The Spring Chiro Podcast

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Chiro Lisa

07 December 2023

18m 23s

The Movers and Shapers of Your Body



This podcast episode delves into the fascinating world of your musculoskeletal system and looks particularly at the structure and function of skeletal muscles. These are responsible for moving your bones and creating movement at the joints. Understand the important role of muscle contractions and how your brain sends instructions for movement. Explore the effects of aerobic and anaerobic exercise on muscle performance and how your body builds  muscle strength and size. The podcast also highlights the significance of deep spinal muscles and lower abdominal muscles in maintaining posture and preventing back pain. Furthermore, it introduces the effectiveness of Pilates and core training in retraining your muscles for optimal performance. Gain a deeper appreciation for the wonders of your body and its incredible ability to adapt and respond to physical demands.

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